Carpet with geometric shapes Pietro di Mogg

Do you want to enrich your premises with Mogg Complements? Here are multiple models of fabric rugs like Pietro.

Carpet 80 # 37 wool and 20 # 37 polyamide black and white with print inspired by St. Peter's Basilica

Highly versatile and multifunctional, the design complements in fabric perform diversified functions: they complete the practical qualities and aesthetics of the room. Pietro di Mogg carpet with geometric shapes in fabric: it will give personality and charm to an interior furnished with furniture and accessories with design references. The furniture compositions of high aesthetic value of the Mogg brand make the interiors beautiful with their colors and style, recreating peculiar furnishing atmospheres. In the store you can touch the excellence of the brand's design fabric carpet models, just like this solution in the photo. Complements and carpets personalize the home furnishings, filling the space in a useful way and making it very functional and of great aesthetic value.

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