Design kitchen with Nordica island by Key Cucine

Discover a rich catalog of Design Kitchens with island: the Nordica Key Cucine kitchen is now available in materic!

Nordic Island Design Kitchen by Key Cucine: discover a wide range of brand design solutions, industry specialist.

This proposal is built in material, but it is possible to create a unique and personalized space thanks to its modularity and customization. Key Cucine allows us to recreate solutions with a current design that are able to respond to the most personal housing and aesthetic needs, in which shapes and sizes no longer have limits. If the customization of the furnishings in a design key is an important element in the furnishing concept of your home environments, the suggestion is to choose the kitchens with island by the Key Cucine brand, like the model available here. By purchasing the Nordica Design Kitchen with Key Cucine island, you can adapt each element of the model to your spaces, creating a unique composition with trendy details.

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